Wednesday, June 1, 2011

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  • macgeek18
    Dec 25, 06:37 PM
    My laptop and iPod. I would die without Pandora.
    Also my wonderful fiance and my Lord Jesus.

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  • Fingerless Gloves - White

  • tech4all
    Sep 17, 06:54 PM
    My wife and I are going to San Francisco in November. I thinking about taking the BART from SFO to downtown. Mainly I would avoid the hassle of driving downtown plus I would save on rental car costs and parking costs. Once we get downtown we won't really need a car.

    How do people feel about BART?
    Is it safe and reliable?

    First off read this ( (first post). I personally have never seen that happen, but I feel you should be aware of that.

    In my experience BART is fairly safe. Just don't leave things unattended; keep them under control at all times. Like always have your bag on your lap and a strap or something looping your arm just incase. I've taken my iPod on BART before and never had a problem; although I was a bit nervous at times. Since your only going from SFO to downtown SF it won't take that long to get there. Just got to be alert and just use common sense with certain things.

    As far as reliability is concerned - well for the most part they're usually on time. But there have been occasions (more than once) were they were delayed, and that can be bad especially during the evening commute home when you want to get home.

    But all in all, it's safe. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Just use common sense: don't show anything valuable, keep that stuff in a pocket or bag. And just be alert in general. I mean I've even taken naps on BART and never really had a problem. And BART does have it's own police unit.

    Hope that all makes sense. If not post back :)

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  • 1 x Pair of Gloves

  • The Phazer
    Nov 30, 03:41 PM
    About time.

    Indeed. There wasn't even a good reason for this...


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  • Littleodie914
    Jan 11, 09:24 AM

    I'm trying to install 10.3 on an old Tangerine G3 333 iMac. I've upgraded the RAM and the OS9 that was already instlalled was running fine. I then swapped out the HD booted off of the 10.3 install CD, erased HD and partitioned it to 7GB/33GB.

    So far so good. I start the install and everything seems to be going just fine, but it never ask for the 2nd install CD. It goes through disk optimization and everything while still on the 1st CD. Then it reboots itself, but fails to find the OS on the HD and ends up wanting to install again.

    I've done this 4 or 5 times now and can't figure out what is happening. Anyone have any ideas?

    Thanks.Hmm... After it's done with the first CD, and it's rebooting, the CD is still in there, right? I believe that the mac continues to boot off the first CD until the second is needed. The HD isn't booted from until the installation has finished. Once it's done with the first CD, and restarts, try holding down the "C" key to ensure it doesn't try and boot from the HD.


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  • Patmian212
    Sep 27, 05:34 PM
    It will be good with a gig of ram. It should handle everything fine except for 3d gaming, hardcore video editing in FCP and 3d animation. Photoshop and illustrator will run fine.

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  • Hellhammer
    Mar 16, 12:25 PM
    A friend told me I can't boot OSX from Raid. So would that mean I cannot install Lion on my HD if it is currently in the optibay where the superdrive used to be?

    You don't have any kind of RAID in your computer and your friend is wrong too. OS X should boot fine from the ODD bay, Windows not so well.


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  • knit fingerless gloves.

  • shenfrey
    May 6, 02:50 PM

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  • Gators Fan
    Oct 23, 02:17 PM
    Why wait in line...The Best buy in Citrus Park and the CompUSA in Brandon . . .

    The release is the buzz, the standing in line anticipating it is the stoke. Best Buy's okay for CDs, and CompUSA is fine for ink cartridges, but when's the last time you heard people say "Let's meet at Best Buy to get a new HDMI cable?"

    Besides, it'll be on Friday. The Mac fanboys can then go to Blue Martini and look smugly upon the beautiful people lined up to throw money at indifferent bartenders serving overpriced drinks, all the while holding up their copies of Leopard while yelling "I've got mine, I've got mine!"


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  • Project Guru
    Feb 21, 09:22 AM
    Dear Colleagues,

    My first post here and I also apologize if this is the wrong forum. If you know of a more appropriate forum/website please let me know.

    I'm authoring a CD-ROM that contains a website with images, videos, PDFs etc... This CD-ROM (essentially a "Website on Disc") will be mass replicated and sold as part of a book.

    The client would like to implement some sort of copy protection that will make it difficult for people to just copy the CD or it's contents. I have been researching this for a long time now and have learned that there are many different products out there that can "supposedly" achieve this. However, due to the sheer number, I'd like to know if anyone can recommend or share his/her experiences and thoughts on the subject. To make things even trickier, is there such a solution that will prevent copying on both Mac and PC systems?

    Thanks in advance for any insight!

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  • SciFrog
    Sep 2, 06:31 AM
    So who here will try the WINE GPU Folding on macs ;)


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  • xFU3Lx
    Dec 15, 06:22 PM
    Manufacturing defect? :rolleyes:

    No door in my Rev D. 15" PB.Ok, thats good news. Do you know what I need to take off to get to the card?

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  • renewed
    Sep 14, 09:57 PM
    I threw it back where it came from.
    Just to make you peta people happy xD

    Thank you.


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  • ActionableMango
    Apr 27, 05:20 PM
    I feel your pain. I want the same thing.

    The add-on keypads don't really do it for me no matter how nicely they integrate. It's not the same as a full size keyboard. Sure you get the numpad, but you still don't have proper cursor keys and 6-key pad above the cursors.

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  • Dagless
    Mar 19, 03:11 PM
    My Xbox was the same. I've heard Wii chips have a stealth mode too.


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  • VirtualRain
    Mar 18, 12:54 PM
    Clearly ISO (a measure of film sensitivity), although conceptually similar, is a bit of a misnomer when it comes to digital. Wouldn't a more appropriate term be something like "Gain Factor"?

    I would think this would be an easier concept to grasp for newcomers to DSLRs, especially when trying to understand the trade-off between gain and noise.

    How can you tell I'm bored today... :)

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  • Steveo47
    Jul 23, 02:16 PM
    I plan on showing up around 5-6am friday morning probably at West Ed


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  • skydenyy
    Apr 14, 04:13 AM
    With the same configuration, is a netbook the lighter the better? I am confused. Any suggestion will be much appreciated.

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  • Product Name: Fingerless Lace

  • jdreier
    Apr 29, 08:04 PM
    I do use smc fan control while i'm encoding. It does a pretty good job. Keeps the temps down around 80C while encoding with fan rpm around 3800.

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  • MacsomJRR
    Apr 16, 01:46 PM
    My real name is Max
    I like Apple
    I'm not that great at gaming

    How about WiiManInABox

    Mr. McMac
    Oct 31, 05:37 PM
    Mind sharing what the Beatles box set is Mr McMac?

    Its called Beatles Anthology. Basically The complete Beatles story on 5 DVD's. Interviews with Paul, John, George, and Ringo, concert footage, etc. If you're a hardcore Beatles fan like I am, I recommend it highly

    Dec 8, 12:39 PM

    Did you change the machine id on the other installations? Are they all in seperate folders so the data files dont overlap?

    I've never seen that error from the log..


    thanks for the reply. yes, i tried everything. after searching, i wasn't the only one with this error. but there was no solution. so i just gave up

    el greenerino
    Dec 20, 02:45 PM
    Well if you get a negative and slide scanner and decide ou don't need it anymore, drop me a PM ;)

    Apr 8, 06:21 PM
    Did you ever manage to get this working?

    AJ Muni
    Sep 27, 08:15 PM

    you guys think thatll work????? its for the PB in my girlfreind wants to buy it for me...and i really wanna get it fast since shes such in a good mood.... :D :D :D

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