Monday, June 6, 2011

amanda hearst 2011

amanda hearst 2011. 3) Amanda Hearst
  • 3) Amanda Hearst

  • vincenz
    Apr 22, 01:51 PM
    Not a moment too soon :confused:

    amanda hearst 2011. Amanda Hearst Humane Society
  • Amanda Hearst Humane Society

  • birchest
    May 5, 02:56 AM

    Now, look who's talking, Mr. Steve Jobs.

    amanda hearst 2011. 12:00 PM by Amanda Hearst
  • 12:00 PM by Amanda Hearst

  • firewood
    May 1, 01:29 PM
    Thank you for your quick reply..
    How long do you think it will take to have to knowledge to actually write my own App. That would be App Store quality ?

    Between several months and never.

    Are you in college? Learning to write a quality iPhone app without any previous experience in programming or design might be equivalent to getting at least a "B" in 3 semester length classes, tough ones at that. The variation is large. A few people are whiz kids. Many flunk out.

    Check out the Stanford course videos on iPhone development. But the prerequisite is already being a good programmer.

    There are also point-and-click tools that will almost write an app for someone with determination at following instructions, but almost no programming knowledge. See for one example. But the types of apps that can be created by such tools are quite limited.

    amanda hearst 2011. cousin Amanda Hearst,
  • cousin Amanda Hearst,

  • Givmeabrek
    Feb 12, 10:54 AM
    This is really a classic. I second the nomination. :cool:


    amanda hearst 2011. and Amanda Hearst attends
  • and Amanda Hearst attends

  • WillEH
    Mar 25, 10:00 AM
    Come on Will - you know you want one!! Just give into the inevitable....

    I bought the first gen a year ago and never regretted it ( sold it on eBay before the new one was announced :-)) it is by far the best gadget I have ever owned and believe me I have tried many! I even had a brief flirtation with a Galaxy Tab over recent weeks - but it only took me a few days before I gave up and stuck it back on eBay! Once you have tasted Apple other fruits taste just bland ;-)

    I can't wait to get the new one particularly for AirPlay with my Apple TV.

    I would be going to Bristol if I wasn't working today. Hope that there might be one with my name on somewhere in London.

    One last small point - can you veleive that Orange block this site on my iPhone because they say it is "adult content" that really annoys me - it wouldn't happen on my 3 SIM used in my iPad!

    Ring orange up and say you want adult content turned off, I think you can do it without speaking to a human also ;)

    No but seriously, it's not just porn they block, they block many other sites under that stupid block.

    amanda hearst 2011. Laliberte; Amanda Hearst
  • Laliberte; Amanda Hearst

  • prostuff1
    Sep 22, 06:29 PM
    It was originally 250 and it was one that was up for the 100 dollar rebate. When i ordered it the website said that it was on back order adn that it would probably take 6 weeks to get here, which did not bother me seeing as i did not need it right away.

    I just called them and they said it was discontinued and that they no longer carried it. Meaning that i ordered a printer 5 weeks ago that in the end would never get here. I am peeved because when i ordered the printer it was not discontinued. And while there are some other printers availible they are not the ones that i want!! I want the one i ordered 5 weeks ago.

    Apple should at least honor the orders that were mad for that printer before it was discontinued!!


    amanda hearst 2011. Amanda Hearst at NYFW
  • Amanda Hearst at NYFW

  • Rod Rod
    Sep 16, 07:37 PM

    Echelon has been discontinued due to lack of support, anyone who previously bought the program may still get support from, otherwise we no longer sell/distribute the product.

    I was going to try it out but of course Cleaner and Compressor do a fine job.

    In other news, FfmpegX now supports H.264 encoding (but in .avi wrappers at the moment; mp4 wrappers will come later).

    amanda hearst 2011. Amanda Hearst Amanda Lear
  • Amanda Hearst Amanda Lear

  • alphadog111
    Apr 16, 04:55 PM
    The stuff used on the heatsink is NOT an adhesive. It is just a compound that maximises the heat transfers between CPU and heatsink. The heatsink MUST be held down with the screws.

    From the looks of it, you've either got a damaged bottom case (screw mount knocked off) or a bottom case for the wrong model (slightly different fittings).

    Is the missing screws and the compound thats causing the "error restart message" when i load the desktop? How do I get the compound to reattach it on the CPU?


    amanda hearst 2011. amanda hearst luis medina.
  • amanda hearst luis medina.

  • Nermal
    Dec 7, 05:47 PM
    It might help to list your location :)

    amanda hearst 2011. Amanda Hearst
  • Amanda Hearst

  • China Diapers
    Apr 16, 04:04 AM

    I am trying to run a java solution remotely on a server, I am using the below command in the terminal:

    java RemoteShellClient 50001 "cmd" "java -jar -Dusername=xxx -Dpassword=xxx -DcCodes=all C:\BetInTime.jar ServiceSF"

    Confidential info hidden with x's.

    But am getting the below error:

    Invalid input data

    Could this be a syntax error?


    OK, on further inspection, the shellscript seems to rely on some batch files:


    Contents of which are:

    set ClassPath=RemoteShell.jar
    java RemoteShellServer %1 %2

    set ClassPath=RemoteShell.jar
    java RemoteShellClient %1 %2 %3 %4

    javac -g:none *.java
    jar cvf RemoteShell.jar *.class

    Do you think it would help to rewrite these as bash files?


    amanda hearst 2011. BCBG with Amanda Hearst,
  • BCBG with Amanda Hearst,

  • tech4all
    Sep 17, 06:54 PM
    My wife and I are going to San Francisco in November. I thinking about taking the BART from SFO to downtown. Mainly I would avoid the hassle of driving downtown plus I would save on rental car costs and parking costs. Once we get downtown we won't really need a car.

    How do people feel about BART?
    Is it safe and reliable?

    First off read this ( (first post). I personally have never seen that happen, but I feel you should be aware of that.

    In my experience BART is fairly safe. Just don't leave things unattended; keep them under control at all times. Like always have your bag on your lap and a strap or something looping your arm just incase. I've taken my iPod on BART before and never had a problem; although I was a bit nervous at times. Since your only going from SFO to downtown SF it won't take that long to get there. Just got to be alert and just use common sense with certain things.

    As far as reliability is concerned - well for the most part they're usually on time. But there have been occasions (more than once) were they were delayed, and that can be bad especially during the evening commute home when you want to get home.

    But all in all, it's safe. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Just use common sense: don't show anything valuable, keep that stuff in a pocket or bag. And just be alert in general. I mean I've even taken naps on BART and never really had a problem. And BART does have it's own police unit.

    Hope that all makes sense. If not post back :)

    amanda hearst 2011. Amanda Hearst
  • Amanda Hearst

  • OutThere
    Nov 3, 08:03 PM is easy to set up and will provide quite a bit of flexibility in making a very straightforward blog.

    You might be able to host images on MyPhotoAlbum...

    which makes a simple way to share pictures and store them online. Otherwise you can use Imageshack, which isn't as robust but allows linking the photos from offsite and allows for hosting unlimited images.


    amanda hearst 2011. Amanda Hearst Age: 26
  • Amanda Hearst Age: 26

  • Queso
    Mar 25, 01:43 PM
    Er...Kalns, on that site go to Stats and pull up Team 3446. You'll find nearly 2000 of us already listed :p

    Although if you want to join in, please do. The more the merrier :)

    amanda hearst 2011. Amanda Hearst, Frank Dix
  • Amanda Hearst, Frank Dix

  • Perdification
    Nov 25, 10:01 PM
    I'd suggest that you add some screenshots at every step, at least it'll be easier to follow and gives people reassurance that they're on the right track.


    amanda hearst 2011. Lauren Bush, Amanda Hearst
  • Lauren Bush, Amanda Hearst

  • Dicx
    Dec 18, 08:22 PM
    Looking for a roll call on people interested in an official MacRumors reader gathering on January 14th (Monday) evening (prob start between 6 and 8). The keynote takes place on Tuesday, Jan 15th.

    Time and Location to be determined, but it will be close to Moscone.

    Please indicate if you are planning on coming and your age.


    I'll be there Arn, get ready to stand in line at 4am Tuesday again!

    amanda hearst 2011. Amanda Hearst is publisher
  • Amanda Hearst is publisher

  • teflon
    Apr 20, 05:12 PM
    I'm a first time renter, looking for an apartment/studio in Manhattan. I was hoping to not have to go through brokers and such and just use listings online. But now the more I look, the more I'm afraid I'm going to get scammed, even though rental scams seems to be relatively rare.
    So there's this one listing, where the contact number for the person is a landline in Seattle. The listing is even a "featured listing" on the website. Another one's phone number is a landline in Syracuse. Is it possible that these people (I suppose they could be startup real estate agents) are doing business while they're not here? And what happens if I actually call? Also, there's a listing that has the phone number of a design company in New York.
    Then there's this landlord/agent I've been corresponding to via email. This apartment has been listed at numerous rental websites (the free kind). And the person only has one listing. Which makes sense, since she says she owns the unit. Except she puts herself as part of a realty company, whose name starts with her last name.
    The price is quite low for the area, but she did email me a rental application form. And at least her number is in New York.
    She offers a discount if you pay 3 months upfront, more if you pay even more upfront. I was thinking of paying 3 month upfront, but I'm afraid that she's going to bail and disappear. Plus I'm not moving in until about 4 months later, so there's plenty of empty time in between that she can disappear on me.
    So exactly what should I ask/do to make sure the listing/landlords are legit? And since I'm not moving in for months, should I wait until what, a week before moving in to pay them the security and rent?


    amanda hearst 2011. Amanda Hearst - Photo
  • Amanda Hearst - Photo

  • alia
    Jun 12, 05:31 PM
    Originally posted by solvs
    You know if there is a price change with-in a certain time period, you can be refunded the difference right? I though ti was 10 days, but I could be wrong.

    Don't know if you're beyond the statute of limitations though.

    You are right. Apple's policy is to refund the difference between what you paid and the new price if it's purchased within 10 days of the price change.


    amanda hearst 2011. Amanda Hearst - Page 17 - the
  • Amanda Hearst - Page 17 - the

  • TheWart
    Jun 20, 08:16 PM
    I'm planning on coming. I didn't pre-order so I'll get there pretty early. I'm going to call the store this week and try to find out if they have an idea of the number of phones not already sold through pre-order.

    FWIW, I was walking by the store this weekend on the way to somewhere else so I popped in and I asked one of the workers if they were planning on having very many phones beyond the pre-order batch.

    He did say that they were planning on having "some" but that he wasn't sure how long that batch would last hehe.

    amanda hearst 2011. Hilton and Amanda Hearst.
  • Hilton and Amanda Hearst.

  • Sundance Kid
    Feb 16, 06:25 PM
    I'm thinking about buying a ib or a pb for university. I'm not really happy about the ib cause it only has 14inch screen max. But the pb costs a lot! (especially since I live in canada). Is it worth the investment to buy a 15inch pb? I figured one with superdrive would cost 500$ more than a ib 14inch with superdrive. I wouldn't even think of buying a pc laptop because after I got my iPod, every machine with windows looks so damn ugly, but they do seem to have a better price.


    Sundance Kid

    Sun Baked
    Sep 8, 06:36 PM
    Originally posted by edvniow
    If anybody does it again, I've got the Vikings primed and ready.:D

    I think the hint was -- report the post.

    But in the last example you gave edvniow, even he lost track of how many times he posted his message.

    May 5, 01:09 AM
    Yes, everybody would like to know more, but what's another month? Besides, here's the thing:

    1. FCP X is a complete rewrite. As such, we'll be dealing with what's essentially a 1.0 product. The professional post production community isn't going to jump to ship until FCP X reaches a reasonable level of maturity (and stability) they're already getting with FCP 7. And that will take a while to happen.

    2. I think Apple knows this (above) and it's likely the reason they were pretty selective about what they revealed at NAB. I think they expect that FCP X will sell to enthusiasts first and will eventually make its way into professional workflows as the platform gains more acceptance and support from the third-parties. Workflow and stability are everything in a pro environment; this will always trump features. In the end, Apple's approach was better than over-promising on what they may not be able to deliver yet.

    I've already decided that unless by some miracle FCP X can really replace my FCP 7 workflow straight out of the box in June (highly unlikely), I'm not buying it until it truly can, even if it's only $300. I'm sure the post houses feel the same way...

    Jan 10, 12:59 PM
    you know, i was thinking of that video all night. thanks for the link.

    i searched for jefferson y han and found his site with even more amazing stuff in the works:

    Jun 20, 10:04 PM
    iccy :eek:
    cause Spymac is hated around the Mac web

    cause they ban innocent victims :D

    Aug 13, 06:30 AM
    I dont understand this hate for QuickTime X. Its designed for video 'playback'. Just like VLC or any other media player.

    QUickTime 7 has never been good for me. I tried to export a widescreen video to MPEG4 and it came out as horizontally compressed 4:3.

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